

Every static media whose title ends with: - ⛄ is being used in the in-app onboarding; changing the image in Notion would break the in-app onboarding. Be extremely careful! - 📧 is being used in the Tips emails; must be manually updated in the marketing email system


General 1-minute demonstration of the desktop app
General 1-minute demonstration of the iOS app
Overview of all task-related actions through click and keyboard shortcuts: rename, open, describe, schedule, archive, restore etc. ⛄
Overview of recurring tasks with upcoming view, recurrence edition and access to an instance 📧
Overview of all notes-related actions: / command, different types of blocks and the fact that notes are used to enrich other objects: tasks, events, pages etc.
Overview of event-related actions: opening an event, joining a call, take private notes (including checkboxes that can be scheduled), move & resize an event etc.


Edit a recurrent task (name/description)
Stop and restart a recurrence
Cancel a task's scheduling
Move task to another parent


Ignore/unignore events showing that only active events are displayed in Today ⛄


Overview of Today's flow, rescheduling tasks, blocking time and archiving other etc. ⛄
Block time by drag & dropping a task onto the agenda ⛄📧
Reschedule task for tomorrow, Monday and a later specific date ⛄
Reschedule task by allocating time


Overview of the pages with the hierarchy (subpages, drag & drop) and notes capabilities


Invite a user through her person screen
Take notes on people with text, regular and recurrent tasks


Processing the inbox: archiving, scheduling, blocking time etc. ⛄


Open the dashboard through the keyboard shortcut and by clicking the icon in the app
Perform all dashboard-related actions: open, close, hide, archive & schedule tasks, join a call and interact with the console ⛄📧
Capture regular task showing that it gets saved in the Inbox ⛄📧


Overview of the planner: batch, schedule and block time through drag & drop, postpone, open etc.
Create an event and open it
Schedule meeting
Move & resize events
Complete an event ahead of time
Postpone a task to a later week ⛄
Drag & drop to schedule & block time


Overview of the journal: browse, restore, open with keyboard shortcuts
Permanently delete an object


Created & schedule regular task
Capture & block time for a regular task
Block time through the console's natural language
Capture a recurrent task
Create an event
Schedule a meeting
Add text to a page
Create & postpone a task and redirect it into a page
Create an event and specify the holding calendar
Escape completion
Create event


Overview of the notes capabilities: / commands, sections, text, lists, checkboxes, formatting etc.
Overview of all checkbox-related keyboard shortcuts to create, rename, schedule, open and archive tasks ⛄
Text formatting through Markdown and menu
Move block
Turn a block into an action (a.k.a checkbox) ⛄
Schedule a checkbox with natural language
Embed media ⛄
Expand/retract sections
Template selection for tasks ⛄
Template selection for events ⛄
Template selection for pages
Postpone a task and create & postpone inline another task
Export notes


Notion's setup and use (scheduling etc.) ⛄


Quickly capture a task by dragging + button
Block time through drag & drop
Take meeting notes
Configure agenda (active/passive)